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Foulds School


In Science the children will leave Foulds having developed the knowledge, skills and understanding laid down in the National Curriculum for Science to the maximum of their potential.

Their experience of Science will have been enjoyable, meaningful and beneficial.

They will have positive attitudes towards Science and its contribution to society.  They will have an awareness of the impact they can have on their community.

They will be aware of safety and hazard issues and will have developed life skills such as how to keep healthy.

They will be curious and have a thirst for knowledge, investigating, researching and exploring.

They will have experienced awe and wonder in Science.

They will have developed a thorough understanding of the processes and methods of science, through undertaking different types of scientific enquiries.

They will have been supported, extended and challenged in Science.


  • There is a Scientific vocabulary document which details progression of vocabulary through the year groups and topics.
  • Classes will build upon their learning from prior year groups and there should be regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous lessons and topics.
  • Specific Science themed Days take place at Foulds and opportunities to hear from visitors/speakers are organised.