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Foulds School


Safeguarding & E-Safety

It is extremely important that we keep our children safe and secure at all times. In order to do this we have a variety of systems and protocols in place which we ask parents to support and fully adhere to at all times.

A secure entry system with intercom

CCTV cameras are placed around the school site

On-site parking is restricted to school staff only

A member of the SLT stands at the entrances every morning

All staff are issued with photo identity lanyards

Adults authorised to visit the school site are required to sign in and out and wear visitors' lanyards at all times

All adults working regularly with children (more than three times in a month) will be subject to a DBS check

All staff, including supply teachers and other adults working with children, are given information about how to report concerns

Extra-curricular clubs must provide the school with qualification certification and DBS

All staff receive safeguarding training annually, with regular updates throughout the year.

Staff, governors, parents and children sign an Acceptable Use Agreement for safer internet use

Whilst all of our staff are responsible for safeguarding in Foulds, there are some key roles:

Kim Sanett is the Designated Safeguarding Lead

Amy Ingall, Luke Morley, Tansleem Kanji and Rebecca Tree are Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers

Colin Shaw is the designated Safeguarding Governor

Amy Ingall leads on whole school online safety


Please click the tab to read our safeguarding policy and access copies of our Acceptable Use Policies for KS1 and KS2 children.



 At Foulds we have a comprehensive online safety curriculum that is taught through lessons and assemblies.  

Useful sites for Parents and Carers:

CEOP allows you to report concerns about online abuse or how someone is communicating online via their 'Report It' button.

Childline has lots of 'online and mobile phone safety' videos and advice for parents and young people.

Internet Matters advice for parents on 'Parenting in a Digital World'

Internet Matters advice for parents on 'Cyberbullying'

Educate against Hate advice on protecting your child against extremism and radicalisation

NSPCC advice for parents on online safety

NSPCC advice for parents on keeping children safe

Childnet advice for parents including online safety guides

Childline advice for children on keeping safe

Action for Happiness - you can download monthly calendars from this charity that aim to boost mental and physical wellbeing through having a daily and monthly focus.

Online safety advice from Internet Matters for children 0-5

Online safety advice from Internet Matters for children 6-10

Online safety advice from Internet Matters for children 11-13

Stranger Danger Rules:

• Never go anywhere with a stranger.

• Never accept gifts or sweets from a stranger.

• Never get in a car with a stranger.

• Always tell a trusted adult if you think something bad happened or might happen.

• Never go off on your own without telling your parents or a trusted adult.

• Tell your child it is okay to break the rules if they are in danger.


Road Safety:

We teach road safety as part of our curriculum but it is essential that children are reminded often of how to keep safe when out and about. 

Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents 

Brake : The road safety charity provides useful information for parents and carers


Everyday Digital

Everyday Digital is a new programme from Parent Zone, designed to improve families’ critical media literacy skills. 

Please use the below search widget to look for resources and support that you may find useful.