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Foulds School


Our Curriculum Intent - Learning the Foulds Way

Foulds’ children often arrive with a clear base of cultural capital.  Our school values underpin everything we do so that our children leave us confident in themselves as well as outward looking.  Our broad and balanced curriculum is driven by CHARACTER, CURIOSITY, CHALLENGE and CITIZENSHIP so that our children grow, explore, achieve and contribute.  This curriculum builds from our children’s starting points, driving them towards academic success, whilst shaping them to have the essential knowledge and skills that prepares them for their futures.

…Building a community of lifelong learners


Our Curriculum Implementation - Learning the Foulds Way

The Foulds’ Curriculum highlights and provides opportunities for our school values of resilience, respect, teamwork, self-belief, kindness and responsibility to be recognised and celebrated.  Through both explicit and implicit teaching, the children learn to speak positively about themselves and their peers and share their skills with others.

The Foulds’ Curriculum is skills based, experience rich with context given to knowledge.  It prioritises CHARACTER, CURIOSITY, CHALLENGE and CITIZENSHIP as its key threads, helping focus planning, teaching and learning.  Our curriculum provides a broad and balanced perspective and values a wide range of learning opportunities in different environments.  Skills and knowledge follow a clear progression and lessons promote making logical connections.  The curriculum develops children’s understanding of metacognition, memory and the value of growth mindset in their own learning journeys.  Activities provoke questions, encourage discussion and collaboration, whilst giving space for creativity.    

Topics such as World War Two and Space are designed to engage and inspire our children.  Space is left to ensure depth can be given to the children’s learning where their interests are piqued within a subject or topic.  This gives opportunities for application of new skills, for some of the learning to be child-led and for children to work with towards mastery where they are able. 

Our curriculum constantly provides new learning and challenge whilst also giving children the means to discover who they are as learners, what helps them to learn effectively and develop a toolkit of different strategies that they can dip in and out of when they need.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ...Building a community of lifelong learners


Our Curriculum Impact - Learning the Foulds Way

We believe that the key skills from learning the Foulds Way means that our children are ready for the next stage of their life as they move on from the school, no matter what they may face. 

The 4Cs shape the Foulds’ Curriculum…


Children are secondary ready when they leave Foulds. They value themselves and others, understand right from wrong and can make choices based on what they believe.


Children are inquisitive and familiar with the questions needed to find out more.  They enjoy the process of learning.


Children are pushed in all areas of the curriculum to reach their full potential.   They are comfortable with, and value, challenge. 


Children are outward looking.  They have an awareness of their community, their place within it and the impact they can have upon it. 

                                                                                                                                       …Building a community of lifelong learners


Our Long Term Plans

The Foulds curriculum works on a two year cycle due to our mixed year groups.  This means no child learns the same topic twice.  Click on the tabs below to see our curriculum overview maps and understand more about what your children learn in each subject during their time at Foulds.




If you would like to find out more about the Foulds' curriculum, please click here https://www.fouldsp.org/Learning-the-Foulds-Way/ 'and learn more about each indiidual subject.    Please also check out https://www.fouldsp.org/Parents/How-to-Support-Your-Child/ to see find out ways in which you can help your child.   If you have further questions, please contact the school office.