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Foulds School

School Day

Our school week is 32.9 hours.

The gates open at 8.35am each morning and close at 8.45am.

The register closes at 8.50am and children are marked as late after this time. 

It is really important that your child comes in for the very start of the school day as the first session of each morning includes key skills learning which is essential for each child.

The school day finishes at 3:25pm.  The gates open at 3:20pm but please note the gate will not be opened until all classes are back in the building eg if they have had PE last session.

There is a staff member always present at drop off and pick up times.  If you have a question, please do come and ask or pop into the office.  We ask that you talk to teachers at pick up time, not in the morning please.

NB If children are late to be dropped off or picked up on a number of occasions, parents will be called in for a meeting with the Deputy Head or Headteacher.