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Foulds School


School Uniform

spring 2023 school uniform policy.pdf



At Foulds we wear our uniform with pride. It is how we can be visibly distinguished as belonging to the Foulds Family.

Please label every item of uniform with your child’s name so that, if it ends up in lost property, it can easily find its way back to them.

N.B. It is easy to label clothes using a sharpie pen.

The Fouldscycle WhatsApp group is a great way to get your hands on second hand uniform for a small donation.  You can join by speaking to your Class Rep.

The school has a second hand uniform sale at the end of every term and also holds a few sets of spare clothes, so if you need something and are struggling, please pop in and see the office or myself and we can get you one ready.


  • White shirt with a collar and tie (in Year 6 only) OR white polo shirt without a tie.
  • Charcoal grey/black trousers (no fashion trousers) OR green pinafore OR green/grey skirt
  • Green pullover or cardigan
  • School tie (in Year 6 only)
  • White or dark socks – no trainer socks OR plain green, grey, black, white tights
  • Dark shoes - no trainers (no heels)
  • Waterproof coats – no fur, fashion, or denim. Small fur collars are acceptable.
  • Foulds School waterproof fleece-lined jacket


  • N.B. Can be worn after Easter until the end of the first half of the Autumn Term
  • Closed toe sandals
  • White or dark socks
  • Waterproof coat – no fashion or denim
  • Foulds School waterproof fleece-lined jacket
  • Black/grey shorts OR green and white checked dress (not striped)
  • Green pullover or cardigan


PE kits must be worn to school on PE days.

  • White T. Shirt (with or without the school logo) and bottle green shorts (no logo)
  • Bottle green tracksuit top or hoody (with or without school logo) and black tracksuit bottoms (no logo)
  • P.E. shoes: Black gym plimsols for Infants
  • Trainer shoes (not boots) for Juniors


EYFS and KS1: school book bag (with no large key rings attached)

KS2: a small ruck sack


Children should not wear any jewellery to school.

Earrings should be a simple stud.

Nail varnish is not allowed.

Make up of any description, including clear mascara, is not allowed.

Any accessories worn ie. gloves, hats, scarves need to be labelled with your child’s name.

Hair should be a natural hair colour.

Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back.

Where to buy uniform:

The basic uniform, with the school logo, can be bought locally from:


A satisfactory equivalent, without the logo, can be purchased from any local supermarket.  There is no requirement to have branded school uniform.