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Foulds School

Remote Learning

Here you will find correspondents, links and documents relevant to remote learning and Covid 19.

IF YOU NEED TO CONTACT US: Phone the school office during office hours on 0208 449 2714 or email either office@fouldsp.org and homelearningqueries@fouldsp.org

Latest guidance with regards to Covid19: can be found here:                  https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus 


Attendance is mandatory for all pupils of compulsory school age. As a school our expectation is that every child comes to school unless they are unwell.  We recognise that if a child is too unwell to attend school, they are not going to be able to complete any remote learning and we therefore do not set it at these times.  Term time holidays are not an acceptable reason for a child to be off school and should under no circumstances take place.  For this reason we do not set remote learning if a child is off for this reason.

As a school, we are also very aware of the extra strain on our teachers in teaching both in school and remotely.


Remote education will be set only:
  • on occasions when the Headteacher has deemed it is not possible for the setting to open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government.

  • on occasions where the Headteacher deems it essential.