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Foulds School


We are a one-and-a-half form entry school: each year we have an intake of 45 children, and our full role is 315. 

Children join the reception classes at Foulds in the Autumn term (during the academic year in which they become five years old).  During the first two weeks of the Autumn term the Reception Class teachers make home visits, to meet the children and parents in an informal setting.  The children then start school for half days for a week, then stay to lunch for a week, until, by the end of September, all children will be in school full time.

Many parents like to come and visit their local schools before they make their choices when they fill in their admissions form.  A good time to arrange such a visit is around about the time when your child has their third birthday.  If you would like a tour of the school, please contact the school office to arrange a date and time.   

The criteria for admissions are the same as those for all Barnet community schools and can be found on the e-admissions page (see link below).  Foulds has, for many years, been oversubscribed, and so the Barnet criteria for over-subscription are then applied. Depending on the number of siblings we have coming into the school in a given year, this means that our catchment area can, some years, be very small - less than 0.5km.

Further information about making your application can be obtained from the London Borough of Barnet on their Admissions Page (see link below) or from the school office.  Admission appeals are dealt with by the Borough.


London E-Admissions system allows you to search for school information and apply online for both primary and secondary school places. For further information visit: Barnet E-Admissions