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Foulds School

Characteristics of Learning

In order to become successful lifelong learners, Foulds' children are working on some key characteristics of learning.

In each classroom we have a Characteristics of Learning tree. Each child has a leaf and chooses a branch (a characteristic) to work on. They can spend as much time on a branch mastering it as they think they need. Once they have mastered a characteristic we want them to move their leaf to work on another. They can continue practising the first, to make sure they can apply it and have therefore truly mastered it.

Below are the Foulds' Characteristics of Learning by Phase. Our Reception characteristics are based on the three Characteristics of Effective Learning as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically). These are then developed and extended further as the children move up the school. Bullet points are main branches and arrows are sub-branches.

As a school we recognise the importance of metacognition (learning how we learn) and believe that the Foulds' Characteristics of Learning will help our children understand how they learn and how they can become even better learners and of course lifelong learners.


  • I can get involved in activities
  • I can investigate new things
  • I can concentrate on something I’ve chosen to do
  • I can keep on trying
  • I can focus on one activity for an amount of time
  • I can find different ways to do things
  • I can name my feelings when I feel them
  • I can take turns with others

Key Stage 1

  • I can get involved in all activities
  • I can investigate new things independently
  • I can concentrate
  • I can keep on trying whatever happens
    → I can challenge myself to find ways out of the learning pit
  • I can focus on one activity for 30 minutes
  • I can find different strategies to do things
    → speak to a friend, use displays, read and think again
  • I can identify my zone
  • Work and play cooperatively inside and outside the classroom

Lower Key Stage 2

  • I can be curious in my learning
    → I can be metacognitive (make links to my past learning)
  • I can be adventurous and up for a challenge
  • I can concentrate consistently
    → I am responsible for my focus and controlling it
  • I am determined to find ways out of the learning pit
    → I use feedback in my learning
  • I can develop my ideas using my experiences to help me
  • I can take responsibility of my learning
    → I know how to, and can, help myself
    → I can organise myself and my belongings
  • I can take control of myself and recognise my zone
  • I can be collaborative
    → empathetic
    → thoughtful

Upper Key Stage 2

  • I am curious and open minded in my learning
    → I am metacognitive (make links to my past learning)
  • I am adventurous and up for a challenge
    → I use my initiative
  • I concentrate and actively listen
    → I am responsible for my focus and controlling it
  • I self-evaluate to find ways out of the learning pit
    → I use feedback in all my learning
  • I develop my ideas using my experiences to help me
  • I take responsibility of my learning
    → I know how to and actively help myself
    → I know how I learn best
    → I organise myself and my belongings
  • I take control of myself and recognise my zone
  • I am collaborative and flexible
    → empathetic
    → thoughtful