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Foulds School

Religious Education

Overall children will leave Foulds having developed:

  • the ability to make reasoned judgements about religious and moral issues based on a basic understanding of the six main religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhi) and a positive attitude to living in a religiously diverse society which encourages them to include and respect people with different views from their own.

This will be developed by fostering:

  • a knowledge and understanding of the key ideas of Christianity and other world faiths
  • a basic understanding of the influence of different beliefs, values and traditions on individuals and communities - both now and historically
  • a curiosity, respect and acceptance of beliefs that are different from our own
  • participation in discussions of religious and philosophical questions, helping children articulate some of the reasons for their beliefs and the beliefs of others
  • a knowledge of different religious practices and how they can demonstrate their respect and tolerance towards customs different to their own
  • an appreciation of the benefit of exploring different faiths in order to:
  • promote acceptance and understanding of shared values across different faiths
  • consider and refine their own ethical framework and beliefs

Overall RE learning will be enjoyable, meaningful and contributes to an improved understanding of their own values and those of others.


  • Pupils will build upon their prior learning and there should be regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous years, lessons and topics by examining the RE folder.
  • Teachers are able to plan together in Phases and undertake CPD in RE during Staff Meetings.
  • Specific RE themed ‘Days’ take place at Foulds and opportunities to hear from visitors/speakers are organised to help encourage awe, wonder and a wider understanding of different religious traditions and customs.
  • Planning should build in opportunities to explore and reflect children’s own experiences.  We also consider how different beliefs impact and influence individuals, families, communities and cultures through class discussion, visits from local religious representatives and case studies.
  • Planning should be adapted [to reflect and include the religions held by particular cohorts and opportunities for other family members to come in to share their experiences in class should be encouraged.