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Foulds School

Personal, Social and Health Education

In PSHE, the children will leave Foulds having developed the necessary life skills, knowledge and understanding to grow into caring, responsible citizens, to the maximum of their potential, having followed the objectives as set out in both the statutory and non-statutory PSHE 2020 Curriculum.  

We want our children to:

  • be emotionally literate citizens, with the skills to problem solve and decision make, in a range of situations regarding their health and wellbeing: both physical and mental; face-to-face and online. (Character and Citizenship)
  • recognise the importance of PSHE as giving them the skills to be lifelong learners, as well as maintaining healthy relationships with themselves and others. (Character)
  • be curious to learn more about themselves and the world around them, asking thought provoking questions and delving deeper into ideas and real life situations. (Curiosity)
  • know who they can turn to to keep themselves safe from peer on peer abuse and sexual harrassment and understand the importance of consent. (Character)
  • have been supported, extended and challenged in PSHE and will be able to apply their knowledge to new and unfamiliar situations. (Challenge)

They will have experienced awe and wonder in PSHE through a variety of approaches - direct teaching; active learning; circle times, R-time, group work, talk partners and individual reflection. They will recognise the link between PSHE and the whole school focus on values - of respect, responsibility, resilience, teamwork, self-belief and kindness - and our characteristics of learning.


  • Additionally to the teaching of PSHE at Foulds, there is one R-time session each week and further PSHE discussion happens regularly throughout the day, linking their learning to their everyday experiences. The language of our School Values, Characteristics of Learning and Zones of Regulation are embedded as part of our daily practice. Assemblies also often cover PSHE themes. 
  • By its very nature PSHE builds on the character and strengths of the pupils. Our discussions into growth mindset and metacognition provide them with a toolkit of strategies to use when faced with challenges.
  • Citizenship is explicitly taught in the topics of global food, democracy and careers. Diversity is interwoven into lessons as well as being explicitly taught during RSE, family dynamics and stereotyping. 
  • Work is recorded in a folder that moves up the school with the child, so it will end up containing all their work from Year 1 through to Year 6. 
  • Our scheme of work is based on the HEP programme of study, however it has been adapted to suit our mixed year groups and two year cycle. The development of the 2020 curriculum involved consulting the children, staff and parents. 
  • The resources we use come from a wide range of recommended websites. 
  • Classes will build upon their learning from prior year groups and there are regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous lessons and topics.
  • Opportunities to collaborate with outside agencies are organised e.g. My Bnk, So Social Media (GAV).
  • Annually, we take part in themed weeks such as Anti-bullying Week and Children’s Mental Health Week. 
  • Parents have the opportunity to view the lesson content and resources ahead of RSE lessons in Year 5 and 6. 
  • Pupil voice is completed to take children’s opinions, ideas and feedback onboard and to inform our teaching in PSHE, choosing lessons that interest the children and allowing opportunities to delve deeper.
  • School Council meets regularly to voice issues, find solutions and have a whole school impact.