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Foulds School


In Music, the children will leave Foulds having a strong appreciation for music in its many forms.  Music, the teaching and learning of it, naturally embodies our school values - of respect, responsibility, resilience, teamwork, self-belief and kindness, and in our teaching, we aim to foster a life-long love of music by igniting a passion and exposing them to diverse musical experiences with a curriculum intended to inspire creativity and self-expression. 


We want our children

  • to develop an enjoyment of music and provide opportunities to express their ideas, creativity and feeling through music (Character and Curiosity)
  • to find their voices as singers, performers and composers by listening and responding to a range of musical styles, and to enable them to become confident, reflective musicians (Character, Curiosity, Challenge)
  • To have the opportunity to experience personal achievement and increase their confidence through making music together and to develop the skills necessary to achieve the highest possible standards in this area (Character, Curiosity, Challenge, Citizenship)

Wider opportunities for whole class music tuition is offered for a term in Year 3/4. This has included recorders, African drums and ukulele.  

Clubs such as choir and peripatetic lessons are offered as extras for the children. 

Children have weekly singing assemblies and the opportunity to perform to each other in monthly music assemblies, class assemblies, Infant Christmas production, Year 6 production and end of year concerts.

At Foulds, we want our children to leave having a strong appreciation and be able to form their own opinions for music in its many styles.  We want our children to have opportunities to develop their self confidence through learning new skills, working with and performing to others so they want to continue this beyond our primary walls.  We aim to foster a life-long love of music by igniting a passion and exposing them to diverse musical experiences with a curriculum intended to inspire curiosity, creativity, challenge and self-expression.

‘Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity’ (The National Curriculum)


Music Development Plan