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Foulds School


In Maths the children will leave Foulds having developed the knowledge, skills and understanding laid down in the National Curriculum for Numeracy. Their experience of Maths will equip pupils with a powerful set of tools to understand the world around them and in everyday life.

All children at Foulds, will be given plentiful opportunities to become confident, excited and enthused about Maths through practical activities, exploration and discussion. They will consequently develop logical reasoning, problem-solving skills, calculating and the ability to think in abstract ways - promoting confidence, competence and fluency in Maths.


  • In EYFS, children are taught as a whole class. In Key Stage 1 children are taught whole class except for Birch which is split into 15x Y1 and 15x Y2. In Key Stage 2, 15 children in each year group will be taught in mixed classes where the pace of lessons will be quicker. The 30 remaining pupils will work in ‘Core’ classes. In Y56, additional classes may be created to support children and allow smaller class sizes.
  • Work is recorded in Maths books, folders and online e.g. Purple Mash, Timestable Rockstars accounts.
  • White Rose provides a framework providing objectives and resources to ensure coverage of the 2014 National Curriculum. Staff use a range of other complementary resources to deliver and differentiate engaging and challenging lessons.
  • Teachers use a range of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources in teaching throughout the school to support understanding for pupils of all abilities.
  • The Calculation policy provides clear progression of strategies for the 4 operations as children move up the school.
  • Materials and teaching strategies reflect the diversity in our world.
  • Lessons are taught with clear differentiation both in teaching input and through activities. Children are encouraged to challenge themselves to work on ‘spicier’ challenges. Children working on programmes of study below their year group will work on those objectives in class.
  • There is also a progression of Maths vocabulary through the year groups and topics.
  • Classes build upon their learning from prior year groups with regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous lessons and topics.
  • Children’s enjoyment and thoughts on the subject are reviewed through learning walks and Pupil Voice
  • Maths days may be arranged annually or bi-annually to spark interest and curiosity in the subject.