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Foulds School

Foulds' Reception

Adults are well qualified and skilled in engaging very young children in learning. They model behaviours to which children respond very well. Children play cooperatively with one another; they take turns, share equipment and join in with the same activities.

The early years provision is well led and managed. Leaders prioritise children’s social and emotional development so they feel secure and safe to learn. The above-average outcomes for a good level of development mask variation between the different areas of learning. Leaders use data to support pupils’ progress in the areas that are less secure. Engagement with parents is a strong feature of the provision. Parents are well informed about their children’s learning.

                                                                                                                                                 - Ofsted 2019                                                                                                                                                                   

As well as being a place of learning, here in Reception at Foulds we pride ourselves on making sure that children come in to a loving, caring environment where every child is respected and valued.

We work hard to create a safe, positive, secure, challenging and stimulating environment. Our pupils are happy, independent and open to new experiences. We recognise and celebrate successes and achievements,  working from a core belief that all children have the potential to achieve.    

Once your child has settled into Reception, a typical day begins with children greeting their friends and teachers as they come in, and then getting stuck into the resources and provocations. After a while, we move to the carpet to do the register and briefly share a story or experience as a class. We return to the carpet for a short phonics session just before lunch, and again for the register and a brief maths input after lunch. Otherwise, children flow freely between the classes and outdoor space, accessing the Continuous Provision and enhancements at their own pace, alongside carefully planned guided writing and maths activities to support the children's learning in these areas. Most of our learning is done through play and led by the children's own interests, with staff working to extend and challenge children as they explore. 

Stories are a huge part of our day in Reception, and we tell stories all the time. Children regularly enjoy Helicopter Stories, where they tell a story to a teacher (who scribes for them) and then act out the story with their classmates. We share stories on the sofa in our cosy book corner, read stories aloud to the whole class every day, make up stories as a class that feature all of the children, and have Reading Buddies from Key Stage 2 to read stories to the children each week.

We cook every week and the children enjoy preparing and tasting a wide range of foods, including stews, curries, kebabs, home made butter and bread, cakes, soups and biscuits.

We work very closely with parents, and often welcome them in to share their time, expertise and skills with the children. One of the highlights of our week is always Toasty Friday, where parents can volunteer to come in to make toast for all of the children! 

Parent of Reception Child:

We have been so happy with how our child has settled into Reception. They are very happy and speaks fondly about their time at school. They are eager to learn and practise phonics and we can see a huge improvement in their writing and letter recognition already! We also love how caring the older children are of the younger ones.  Our child often speaks about children in older year groups and it's lovely when they greet him on our way into school or at home time. Thank you for making this transition to primary school so easy!


Parent of Reception child:

We just wanted to type a quick email to thank the reception team for an amazing start to the year. Yesterday (our child) came home with a massive smile on her face and told us all how much she loves school. This was so lovely to see and we are very proud of her. The school's settling in process has been outstanding and we feel as parents well supported. We appreciate all the hard work the staff have put in so far. We are pleased to be a part of the Foulds community.