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Foulds School


After completing our computing curriculum the children will leave Foulds having developed the knowledge, skills and understanding laid down in the National Curriculum for Computing to their full potential and as responsible, skilled and active citizens in a digital world.

They will have positive attitudes towards Computing and will appreciate the capabilities and opportunities technology offers to create, manage, organise and collaborate.

They will be aware of how to conduct themselves online and will have developed knowledge and skills to keep themselves and others safe in the online world.

They will be digitally literate- able to use Computing skills to express themselves, develop ideas, find out the answers to their questions and further feed their curiosity.

They will have developed a thorough understanding of the elements of Computing, through undertaking theoretical and practical work.

They will be confident to explore or ’tinker’ with software and programs and therefore able to cope with the ever evolving and changing world of technology going forward. 

They will have been supported, extended and challenged in Computing and will be able to apply their learning to new or unfamiliar technologies.


  • As well as teaching Computing at Foulds, there are opportunities provided for computing work throughout each week due to there being Chrome Books constantly available for each year group to use in the classrooms plus static and mobile interactive screens. We aim for computing to scaffold learning in as many ways as is appropriate and possible at all times. 
  • We have a computer suite plus year group sets of Chrome Books which are kept in classrooms and/or the suite. Additional resources such as Bee Bots, Micro:Bits etc are also kept in the ICT suite.
  • Computing planning comes originally from the Kapow curriculum. This has been adapted to fit both our mixed age class organisation, two year cycle and into our wider curriculum so as to better suit our children.
  • Classes will build upon their learning from prior year groups and there should be regular opportunities to review the learning that has taken place in previous lessons and topics.
  • There are ‘Skills showcase’ units which allow children to learn and apply transferable skills.
  • Teachers use the resources provided by Kapow and supplement these using addition resources, particularly for Online Safety lessons.
  • Effective modelling by teachers ensures that children can achieve their learning objective, and there are opportunities to address misconceptions.
  • Teachers are able to plan together in Phases, undertake CPD in Computing such as through Staff Meetings, attending courses or online training provided through Kapow.
  • Children work through a range of lessons each year which give them opportunities to learn a range of knowledge and skills. Lessons aim to allow time to explore, hypothesise, test out, edit/ improve and review learning in all strands of the National Curriculum
  • Lessons incorporate independent, paired and group tasks and set both unplugged and digital activities. 
  • Differentiation is provided to support and challenge pupils, ensuring that each pupil can access the Computing curriculum.
  • Effective use of visitors/ workshops are planned to enrich and enhance our pupils’ learning experiences within the Computing curriculum, and opportunities to try out new and unfamiliar software and hardware are encouraged..
  • Internet Safety Day takes place each year, children have additional time in these lessons and assemblies to look more closely at aspects of how to be safe online. 
  • We run biannual online safety training for parents and update our newsletter, website and Twitter account regularly with topical online safety information. 
  • Children are given the chance to influence their learning in Computing through Pupil Voice and they have time to ask questions and follow their own research interests in lessons. 


Children will become creative, confident, problem solving, responsible and informed online citizens with transferable skills