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Foulds School


Through Art at Foulds, using creative and inspirational projects, our intent is to produce curious, creative and appropriately challenged children. They gain all the skills and knowledge they need to have the confidence to continue learning in Art and have a resilience and willingness to explore more. We also promote inclusive citizenship and diversity through art projects that explore Art from around the world, for example exploring Hindu Rangoli patterns with Diwali, or Batik printing when studying Africa and African prints. Through the practical and creative Art projects the children do, such as studying sculpture in the natural world or being taken through a world of paint effects and dimension when learning about the Blitz in World War II and The Great Fire of London, children gain a deeper understanding of the world in which they live.      


Art is taught in blocks maximising engagement and momentum with projects. Art projects are taught either cross curricular or stand alone depending on the learning and ultimately what we want the children to achieve.

Early on, children begin to get a feel for art and become increasingly more curious and creative. Their own strategies develop and they gain a better understanding of how materials and equipment can be handled. As they progress they encounter fun and interesting ideas that instil a sense of appreciation for art and excitement when they come to do it. They are also given strategies and modelled examples to make effective and inspiring pieces that will motivate and give them confidence to pursue their own ideas in the creative process. 

There are occasions during and at the end of projects where children are given the opportunity to see their own and other’s work. As time goes on, they become more proficient evaluators and understand how to give measured, meaningful feedback that can help move themselves and others on. 

Throughout children’s time in Foulds, work is collated in Art books that are taken up from Year One all the way through to Year Six. New books are given once their previous one has been filled. This enables a clear picture of their learning journey and the progress they have made as they have moved on. When the children are encouraged to see their own progress, it can encourage Growth Mindset and self motivation.

Foulds children also experience a wealth of various artists through different topics. Artists are intertwined into areas of work through projects we do. For example, the children learn about Brigit Riley when looking at creative artwork through linear work and repeated design, or they learn about Andy Goldsworthy when looking at sculpture in the natural environment and are inspired by artists like Matisse when creating collage. 

Work is often showcased around the school on creative and inspiring displays. This is always the case with Art Week; Art is focused on throughout the week and children have the opportunity to feel much more immersed in the subject. It is a chance for the children to really celebrate and further explore art, learning new skills and techniques, plus look at various media and effects.